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TIP FL STUDIO 단축키표 (FL 9.5용)

2010.08.27 16:37

makesound 조회 수:11568


Keyboard & Mouse Shortcuts

This page lists some of the keyboard shortcuts to useful commands in FL Studio. Please examine the menus/context menus for more shortcuts.

File Operations
Ctrl+O Open file
Ctrl+S Save file
Ctrl+N Save new version
Ctrl+Shift+S Save As...
Ctrl+R Export wave file
Ctrl+Shift+R Export mp3 file
Ctrl+Shift+M Export MIDI file
Alt+0,1..9 Open recent files 0..9
Ctrl+Shift+H (Re)arrange windows

Pattern Selector (Numpad)
1..9 Select patterns 1..9
+ Next pattern
- Previous pattern
Right arrow Next pattern
Left Arrow Previous pattern
F4 Next empty pattern

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
1...9, 0 Mute/Unmute first 10 channels
Ctrl+1..9,0 Solo/UnSolo first 10 channels
Up Arrow Select previous channel
Down Arrow Next channel
Alt+G Group selected channels
Alt+Z Zip selected channel/s
Alt+U Unzip selected channel/s
Alt+Up Arrow Move selected channel/s Up
Alt+Down Arrow Move selected channel/s Down
Page Up Next channel Group
Page Down Previous channel Group
Ctrl+C Copy channel Steps/Score
Ctrl+V Paste channel Steps/Score
Ctrl+X Cut channel Steps/Score
Ctrl+Del Delete selected channel/s
Ctrl+Shift+C Clone channel/s
Shift+Left arrow Shift Steps Left
Shift+Right Arrow Shift Steps Right
Alt+R Randomize
Alt+P Send to Piano roll
K Show Keyboard Editor
G Show Graph Editor
Alt+C Gradient colour Channels. Select a start and end color.
Ctrl+Alt+C Random color selected channel

Record / Playback / Transport
Backspace Toggle Line/None Snap
Space Start/Stop Playback
Ctrl+Space Start/Pause Playback
L Switch Pattern/Song mode
R Switch On/Off recording (This also works during playback)
0 (NumPad) Fast forward
/ (NumPad) Previous bar (Song mode)
* (NumPad) Next bar (Song mode)
Ctrl+E Toggle Step Edit mode
Ctrl+H Stop sound (panic)
Ctrl+T Toggle typing keypad to piano keypad
Ctrl+B Toggle blend notes
Ctrl+M Toggle metronome
Ctrl+P Toggle recording metronome precount
Ctrl+I Toggle wait for input to start recording

Window Navigation
Tab Cycle nested windows
Ctrl+F8 Open Plugin Picker
Enter Toggle Max/Min Playlist
Esc Closes a window
F1 This Help
F5 Toggle Playlist
F6 Toggle Step Sequencer
F7 Toggle Piano roll
F8 Show/hide Sample Browser
F9 Show/hide Mixer
F10 Show/hide MIDI settings
F11 Show/hide song info window
F12 Close all windows
Ctrl+Shift+H Arrange windows

Alt+Left-Arrow / Right-Arrow Move selected mixer track Left/Right
Alt+L Select the channels Linked to the selected mixer track
Ctrl+L Link selected channels to selected mixer track
Shift+Ctrl+L Link selected channels STARTING From selected mixer track
F2 Rename selected mixer track
S Solo Current track
Alt+S Alt Solo - Activate Current track and all tracks Routed TO/FROM It
Alt+R Render Armed tracks to .wav

NOTE: Some keyboard modifiers apply only to Draw mode ().
Alt Bypass snap (very useful when combined with other modifiers)
Alt+Up Arrow Move selected pattern Up
Alt+Down Arrow Move selected pattern Down
Alt+G Grid Color
Alt+C Color selected clip/pattern
Alt+P Open the 'Current project' folder in the Browser
Alt+Q Quick quantize
Alt+/* and Ctrl+Alt+/* Jump to Next/Previous song marker (if present)
Alt+ Right-Shift Engage snap free 'Slice Mode', release Alt after clicking on the clip to use snapping.
Ctrl+A Select All
Ctrl+C Copy selection
Ctrl+V Paste selection
Ctrl+X Cut selection
Ctrl+Left-click Select
Ctrl+Shift+Left-click Add to selection
Ctrl+Right-click Zoom on selection / Drag to make zoom selection (zoom on release)
Double Left-click on clip/pattern Open clip/pattern properties (e.g. Piano roll, Channel settings)
Left-shift+Left-click (on Playlist) Add and resize clip/pattern (move mouse L/R after click and hold to resize)
Left-shift+Right-click Pan view
Middle mouse button Pan view (hold and drag left/right)
Right-click Delete selected clip/pattern
Right-shift+Left-click Clone pattern, drag after clicking.
Right-shift+Right-click Slice clip/pattern & delete smallest part (click above/below clip/pattern and drag vertical)
Shift+Ctrl+Del Delete selected clip/pattern source data
Shift+Left-click (on clip/pattern) Clone (drag while holding clip/pattern)
0 (zero) Center playback to playing position
PgUp / PgDown Zoom in / Zoom out

Piano roll action
NOTE: Some keyboard modifiers apply only to Draw mode ().
Alt Bypass snap (very useful when combined with other modifiers)
Alt+A Arpeggiator
Alt+B View note helpers
Alt+C Change color of selected note/s (to selected color group)
Alt+E Riff machine
Alt+G Ungroup selected notes
Alt+Q Quantize
Alt+V Switch ghost channels ON/OFF
Alt+Mouse wheel Change the selected note property of the note the mouse pointer is over
Alt+Arrow keys Nudge the position of the note the mouse pointer is over.
Ctrl+A Select All
Ctrl+C Copy selection
Ctrl+V Paste selection
Ctrl+X Cut selection
Ctrl+M Import MIDI file
Ctrl+Q Quick quantize
Ctrl+Left-click Select
Ctrl+Shift+Left-click Add to selection
Ctrl+Right-click Zoom on selection/Drag to make zoom selection (zoom on release)
Double Left-click on note Open note properties
Left-shift+Left-click (on Piano roll) Add and resize notes (move mouse L/R after click and hold to resize)
Left-shift+Right-click Pan view
Middle mouse button Pan view (hold and drag left/right)
Right-click Delete Selected Note/s
Left-Alt+Right-click Audio preview
Right-Alt+Right-click Quantize selected
Right-shift+Left-click Slice notes (click above/below note and drag vertical)
Right-shift+Right-click Slice notes & delete smallest part (click above/below note and drag vertical)
Shift+G Group selected notes
Shift(any)+Left-click (on note) Clone (drag while holding note)
Shift+Mouse wheel Nudge note position of the note the mouse pointer is over

위의 표는 FL STUDIO 9.5 BETA 기준입니다.

자신이 가지고 있는 벼젼에 따라 단축키가 틀려 질수도 있씁니다.
정확한 단축키는 아래의 HELP에서 단축키 검색법을 참고하셔요

★HELP에서 단축키 리스트 찾기★

1> FL 을 실행한다
2> F1을 눌러 HELP를 연다
3> SHORTCUT이라는 검색어로 "색인" 에서 검색한다.


따로 이 표를 프린트 하고 싶은분은 위의 압축파일을 다운받아 압축을 풀고 익스플로러에서 열어서 보시면 됩니다.
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대표자 이름 : 강제헌 / 사이트 관리자 : 김상연 / 메일주소 : 전화번호 : 010-4565-4330 / 통신 판매번호 : 제10-309호 / 사업자 등록번호 : 603-90-91179

Supported by Let's FL, Makesound, Designed by St.Emilio

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